Career Development

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Whyalla Secondary College is committed to providing Year 7-12 students with career development. Students will explore the individual knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to become self-reliant career managers who are able to make the best possible education, training and occupational choices for their intended future. Students will explore the changing nature of work and receive personalised guidance.

Whyalla Secondary College believes that every student:

  • Should have high quality careers development to ensure students are well informed and flourish when making subject and career decisions.
  • Engages in a range of activities to develop a range of skills, preparing them for the dynamic world of work in all subjects.
  • Be given the opportunity to experience career exploration including a period of work experience, site visits and/or problem based learning, driven by industry problems, collaboration and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Experiences a range of career related activities including higher education information, employer talks, career expos, motivational speakers and university visits.
  • Has access and support to VET or University studies in support of starting the transition into higher education while at school.
  • Develops the knowledge of how to dig and access accurate and up to date information about work trends, training and educational opportunities.

Career Development at Whyalla Secondary College strives for an individualised approach that is underpinned by the DOTS framework developed by Bill Law and Tony Watts DOTS Theory (1977, UK) where by the following milestones are referred to as a progressive guide for students Year 7-12:


Progressive Steps to Follow for Career Exploration

1. Get to know yourself

Start increasing your self-awareness to help you decide what kind of job or career might be right for you. This will help you to backwards plan your school subjects. Questions you could ask yourself in support of being self-aware:

  • What skills do I have?
  • What are my likes and dislikes?
  • What am I good at and enjoy doing?
  • What are my development needs?
  • What would I not want to spend all day doing?
  • What are my values and preferences?
  • What barriers might I need to plan for to achieve my goals?
  • What options are available to achieve the same destination?
2. Explore different careers

Once you have identified the skills, interests and preferences that might influence your career choice, you can start exploring what careers are out there and find out more about them at The Careers Department (Access for student Year 9-12).

3. Make some decisions

In your Personal Learning Program (PLP) subject you will complete a Career Action Plan in support of starting to explore and making decisions about your post school pathway and career. You will update your Career Action Plan throughout Year 11 and 12 throughout your MIND line.

Throughout Year 7-12 in your Care Group/mentoring time you will complete a subject grid each year in support of your post school pathway and career. If you would like to discuss your options, or you still have no vision about a career, consider speaking to a member of your sub-school or the Student Pathways Senior Leader.

Explore – post school pathways  

Experiment – with workplace learning / employer emersion  

Engage – with staff, students, parents and community  

Expand – knowledge, understanding and skills for 2030+ 

4. Your Career, what’s next for you? Transition

As you prepare to finish your final year of school, the next phase of your journey will be full of interesting and exciting opportunities. You will discover new passions and develop new skills and knowledge. We know that this transition can sometimes be challenging and the COVID-19 pandemic has presented some uncertainty. With changes to the education and workforce landscape, you might be wondering if your planned decisions are still a good option or what new options are available and how to pursue them. There are lots of options for education, training and work to help you further your career.

The following information kit has been designed to help you understand what those options might be and assist you to choose the right one for you in line with your career planning over the years at Whyalla Secondary College.

Leavers guide from National Career’s Institute: Your Career – What’s next for you? (

Career Development Education Year 7-12

Year 7-8

Career development embedded in curriculum and caregroup program

Year 9-10

Career development line for a semester, per year

Year 11-12

Mentoring program with individualised approach not linked to assessment and an option for a SACE elective subject, Workplace Practices and/or Business Innovation

There are many new and emerging jobs and industries in Australia that didn’t exist in their current form a few years ago. Early identification of these new opportunities by students are important to ensure that their subjects are building the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to fulfil these jobs in the future.

Future of Skills: Jobs in 2030 Future of Skills: Jobs in 2030 – YouTube

To find a career and subjects that really suits a student, there are a number of factors to consider, including their skills and interests, industry needs, work experience, values and motivations. Researching career roles and exploring available options will help students reach an informed decision with options.

Inspiring Possibilities

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