Year 9 and 10 Community

Georgie Christian
Assistant Principal
Year 9 and 10
Year 9/10 Welcome Newsletter
Year 9/10 Community Update
Welcome, students and parents, to the year 9 and 10 community at Whyalla Secondary College. Middle school is an important time of life when young people are developing as an adolescent and building a true connection to their identity and their future direction. I am excited as the Assistant Principal of this community to be able to support and guide you through this journey. The programs and camps offered at Whyalla Secondary College are uniquely designed to enrich our students’ middle schooling experience and assist with building relationships amongst the students and staff at the school. There are many extra-curricular opportunities for students to explore – I strongly encourage all students to find an area of interest, passion or intrigue and sign up.
The Middle School model at Whyalla Secondary College provides students in Years 9 and 10 with a deep and personalised connection. Our core subjects Global Perspectives (English, Humanities), Universal Reasoning (Mathematics, Science), caregroup and Career Development are supplemented by a wide range of specialist elective subjects across a variety of learning areas to develop their areas of expertise and interest related to their intended pathway. Students in year 9 and 10 will engage with the Australian Curriculum and the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) in year 10. Further information regarding our compulsory and elective subjects are detailed throughout the curriculum guide.
Where possible, students will have two teachers for their core subjects and specialist teachers for the elective areas. By ensuring consistent teachers are allocated to classes, students and staff develop strong relationships, which provides a holistic approach to learning for each child. It allows teachers to co-plan integrated units of work and engage in cross-curricular learning opportunities to enhance outcomes for our students. Through the schools’ inclusive ATRiUM philosophy, staff differentiate learning for every individual, accelerating and broadening the horizons of every student’s learning journey. All learning connects to the ATRiUM capabilities of Active learning, Thinking, Relating, Using language, symbol systems and ICT and Managing self to develop the whole child as they move through this critical time in their lives.
Georgie Christian